MY 2018

It’s been forever since I posted on here. I’ve been meaning to (as evidenced by more than 2 posts in my drafts...which only I can see..ahem :D) but life was happening quite some- busy, tired, unmotivated, lack of inspiration and such. So here’s me bouncing back! Finally doing more than just harboring an idea for a post. Hello 2019! 😊

A happy new year to you dear reader and thank you for stopping by.

My 2018 was beautiful, challenging and testing - but the most important thing is that I have grown (as I always say at the end of each year :) because I love growth. I love growing. I enjoy seeing others grow and accomplish their goals/dreams. It’s such happy news when somebody grows. And growing can take many forms; like getting over a bad habit of complaining (personal growth that benefits you first at the very core and then others around you and beyond), getting better at cooking (also benefits you and whoever gets to eat your cooking), finishing your studies and getting that degree, learning a new skill, buying a car/house or etc OR the obvious getting taller and such.

Growth is accompanied by maturity and change. I stand by the principle that change is good, positive change.

Happy moments of my 2018:

1. I got to travel outside the country twice. First to Zimbabwe for a life changing youth camp:

Light moments at camp :)

then to Tanzania for a family vacay (which is a post all on its own):

At Coco Beach- Dar Es Salaam :)

2. I got adventurous in the kitchen after getting tired of the same old traditionally prepared Malawian food, and tried out new recipes from Tasty (I follow them on Facebook and YouTube) and recipes from other Youtube channels and allrecipes for baking. You can find other recipes at Allrecipes as well, as per their name :D I wanted to get to play around with spices (cinnamon, black pepper, parsley, bay leaves, etc), soy sauce and etc. It's been fun and I can now safely say it's part of my life to think outside the plain rice and beef with no spices, the plain spaghetti with mince meat, and nsima. Nsima is now a delicacy for me since I only eat it once in a while...out of preference. I'm just a rice person.
Also got to learn about meal planning. Total game changer!


3. Went out for pizza with friends more than once

4. Made new friends 

5. Discovered personal finance management videos and blogs that have really helped me get objective and deliberate about my spending and saving--another total game changer y'all! Check out Jordan Page of and go watch her youtube videos on budgeting and all that money stuff.

6. But first I ran into closet management where minimalism was introduced into my vocabulary and became my mission. From the one big declutter session I did around October I freed up so much space and was finally able to allow myself to keep clothes that I love close and gave myself permission to wear them more because they make me feel good. Before decluttering I would have days when I would wear clothes that didn't feel great and would end up regretting that outfit for the rest of the day. It was finally time to say ENOUGH and sort my clothes out. The major inspiration came from where I was introduced to project333. I haven't come around to doing it yet but so far so progress :) Be more!

7. I sang more specials alone in Church than any other year. It's been a dream come true. Of God taking me from the shy girl that I was to bold and confident by His help and grace. It's nerve wracking every single time I have to stand up and sing but by His grace God always comes along with me and eases my nerves. It blows me away the things God does! I am humbled.

Singing with my younger bro William at the Zim Youth Camp with me leading

Wishing you a blessed, beautiful, lovely 2019!


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