Zimbabwe Youth Camp: The Road Trip

I was all anticipation.

Excitement for the road trip that laid ahead and curiosity of what camp was going to be like. I prepped my clothes and all essentials (snacks for the road, a little blankie and etc).

There was only four of us going from Malawi (Sis Zipporah-my dear one, Sis Judy- moi, Bro WIlliam- mon frere and Bro Moses- other mon frere).


We used a WhatsApp group to communicate on details and what not about the trip. We worked so well as a team I'm so proud to have been a part of it!  

Me and Zee

One major decision we had to make was on the car we would use to travel the 560kms to Harare. Since none of us four owns a car we needed to hire one; and the process of hiring started well in advance. Then at the very last minute (when we only had a few days to leave) our chosen vehicle was involved in an accident before it came into our hands and was no longer fit for the road, especially for such a long trip.                 

Then it was back to the drawing board, and time was ticking away. Moses did a great job of getting busy and sourcing out an appropriate car. He really owned the task and did a great job. May God bless him for doing most of the hard work. After a somewhat tense discussion (whereby I suggested we just take a bus :D) we settled on this baby:


She had just recently arrived into the country and was super fit for the road trip :)

Ain't it so cute?

We left on Wednesday the 28th of March, much later in the day than we'd anticipated because our car had to go through Interpol to be cleared for the cross-border trip. It also had to get some new tyres. We normally would have left at around 5am but ended up leaving at around 4PM. Good thing is the border crossing (Mwanza Border) is only about an hour away from Blantyre and it closes at 6PM I believe, if not 7.

We journeyed on and pushed through to the Nyamapanga border in Mozambique where we spent the night...in the car. It was an adventure I tell you. We paid the guard $5 for "watching our car" or for parking by the border. Don't really know why we had to pay the guy.

Arrival at Eastlea Tabernacle!

Happy to have finally arrived! We were excited!

We were welcomed warmly to a big meal at Gastronomical Jubilee (awesome name right? :) restaurant in Harare and got to meet several brothers and sisters and fellow campers from South Africa!

Upon arrival at camp (Watershed College)

And the rest of the days were beautiful :)

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